2nd Sunday of Easter, Year C

We have two beautiful homilies by Father Hanly for 2nd Sunday of Easter, Year C: “The Gifts of the Risen Lord” and “The Three Gifts of the Risen Lord.”

Two Homilies:

The Gifts of the Risen Lord

The Gifts of the Risen Lord

In this beautiful homily for 2nd Sunday of Easter, Year C, Father Hanly talks about the gifts of the Risen Lord.

Readings for Second Sunday of Easter, Year C

  • First Reading: Acts 5:12-16
  • Responsorial Psalm: Psalms 118:2-4, 13-15, 22-24
  • Second Reading: Revelation 1:9-11, 12-13, 17-19
  • Gospel: John 20:19-31



This is the week after Easter, but the gospel is Easter Sunday. If you notice from the opening words,

“On the evening of that first day of the week…”

This is John telling us, not only is it the first day of the week, Sunday, and the day that we revere in the church until this very, very day, but it is also the beginning of a whole new world.

For John is introducing to us Jesus as he, Jesus, introduced himself to his own disciples coming back to them from the dead that they might understand the full meaning of his coming.

The first thing is that Jesus seems to just appear in the room. He walks not through doors, he is just there. And they begin to sense it and they begin to feel it.

And finally he speaks and he says,

“Peace be with you.”

The first word of the Risen Lord, the first gift of the Risen Lord, is: “I give you my peace, harmony among brothers and sisters.

“All that was lost through sin and failure is now restored to you, because I give you myself. My peace is myself and I am here with you now and I will be with you all the days of your life.”

The second gift: he shows them his hands and his side.

This, of course, was the great scandal that they had all run away from, for they felt that given into the hands of men, that men could kill him and destroy him and what he stood for forever. And he stood for one thing most of all, he stood for love.

And that is why he invites his disciples to touch his side, out of which water and blood flowed, and to touch his hands, where the nails pierced them. And he was telling them that this was the sign of his love and this he would carry into everlasting life.

And they too must remember that the love he speaks of is not a cheap love or making everyone feel happy, making everyone feel in a way well pleased. This kind of love is wrought through pain. It is self-sacrificing love.

And so this is the second gift that the Risen Lord gives us. He teaches us how to love, not ourselves, not our little community, but to love the way he loves, with a full heart. And the sacrifice is not supposed to be a terrible thing. It is made joyful and glad because it is the price of a whole new life.

The third gift: the third gift that he gives is the gift we all await, all the time. It is the gift of God’s forgiveness.

All is forgiven. All that has been done in the past that would bring us further and further away from our God who loves us, from a God who aches for us, from a God who comes and dies for us, all this is erased by Jesus the Lord, for he has come to make it firm and everlasting, that nothing, no matter how much fear or how much difficulty or how strong the urge, nothing will ever separate him from us.

And, of course, this is their reason for joy, because the peace of God is God Himself.

The joy of the disciple is knowing that God is with him all through these days, whether they bring great joy or great sorrow, He is with them to be with them and He is with them to suffer with them, He is with them to be joyful with them and it is His tears that we cry when we cry for our own disappointments, for God is inseparable from His people.

And this is what he wants us to bring to each other, not just a nice feeling of being forgiven on Wednesday and entering the old world on Thursday, but the feeling that the forgiveness of God is a given and it is given to us whenever we fall for one reason or another, or slip and go another way for a little while.

It is there waiting for us and with us and never to be taken from us. It’s a simple turn around and saying, “I am sorry,” and once again we experience the presence of Jesus our Lord, the man of sorrows.

Yehudi Menuhin, many of you probably have heard, Yehudi Menuhin was a wonderful violinist. He was from Russian Jewish parentage, but he was born and grew up in New York, and he lived for about eighty-two years. And, in that time, he became, in most violinists’ eyes, the greatest violinist who ever lived.

And they said that when he picked up his violin, it wasn’t a violin he was playing, he was playing his heart. And he really believed that, because he was playing his heart, he was playing God’s heart, and that who would listen to the music very carefully could hear the voice of God speaking to their heart.

One day he said this: “If I could go to the Sistine Chapel” — this, of course, is the famous chapel in The Vatican, it is the chapel filled with the beauty of Michelangelo’s paintings and full of the great tradition of those who serve God — “I thought then, if I played in the Sistine Chapel, I would bring a peace to the world.

“But then I found out that peace, shalom, only comes from something else than a violinist. It comes from a deep change in the heart. It comes from a rekindling of love.”

And that brings us to Thomas the Doubter.

Poor Thomas, two weeks earlier, before Jesus suffered, he was the one when Jesus said, “I must return because my friend Lazarus has died. I must return to the edge of the city of Jerusalem,” and his disciples said, “No, because they are going to kill you if they capture you,” and Thomas, one of them, finally said, when Jesus said, “I must go,” he said, “I will go and let us all go and die with him.”

Great love, but a love based on perhaps a naïve idea of what those words might be, for Thomas ran away when the time came for him to be there with the one he loved most of all. He ran away and he ran away from the disciples as well.

And so when Jesus came on Easter Day into their upper room, it was filled with fear.

And Jesus dispelled the fear and said, “I am here. See me. I have come as I had promised I would rise on the third day.”

And so when the disciples told Thomas, he was not going to believe a second time. There is nothing worse than losing your faith and it’s very hard to gain it back. In fact it took the appearance of Jesus himself.

He appeared once again to the huddled group in that upper room and he looked at poor Thomas — who must have been totally wiped out by his failure at this one time when the Lord needed him most — and he said to Thomas, almost pushing it a little bit he said, “Thomas, come over and put your hand in the wounds and put your hand into my side and believe. Do not be a disbeliever but believe.”

And then Thomas saw Jesus for the very first time, because he wasn’t just listening to the wonderful words that came from Jesus and the wonderful uprising of his heart to follow this man, it was he was believing that this man was in his very soul.

And for the first time he could see who Jesus was and what Jesus was for him and his only response was, “My Lord and my God.”

And this is what Thomas teaches us. Because you must go through a certain kind of agony along the way, a certain kind of pain along the way, so that, at the end of it, when you reach your deeper understanding of who God is and what He expects of you, you are full of joy and great courage.

And so, perhaps, of all the disciples there, it was Thomas who became the model of a believer, one who trusted and one who gave his whole life to Jesus.

What he did was he opened not his mind, not his own ideas of what he was going to do with his life, but he opened up in surrender to Jesus whom he loved with his whole heart.

When Jesus sends us out and says, “Now go through the whole world and tell the people all is forgiven.

“You are to bring them the good news that God is not up in His heavens, He is walking through life with you, the joy of life, the pain of life, never a step behind but always with you, and He will bring you safely home.”

And this is the reason for Easter joy.

And this is the reason why we come, and especially at Mass, for it was the other two disciples at Emmaus, who Jesus walked a long distance with before they recognised that he was the Lord when they said, “We recognised him most when we sat down at a table and broke bread.”

So let us today, on this great feast, let us rejoice and be glad, for Jesus is our gladness, Jesus is more than our hope, he is our companion who will never leave us and bring us safely home.

In the name of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit.

The Three Gifts of the Risen Lord

The Three Gifts of the Risen Lord

In this beautiful homily for 2nd Sunday of Easter, Year C, Father Hanly talks about the three gifts of the Risen Lord.

Readings for Second Sunday of Easter, Year C

  • First Reading: Acts 5:12-16
  • Responsorial Psalm: Psalms 118:2-4, 13-15, 22-24
  • Second Reading: Revelation 1:9-11, 12-13, 17-19
  • Gospel: John 20:19-31


Written Homily

The gospel reading of today’s Mass is from St. John’s description of the day when Jesus rose from the dead and appeared to his disciples in the upper room.

He describes it as being the First Day of the week, and more, not only the First Day of the week, but also the beginning of a whole new world.

For on this day, Jesus, Our Lord and Savior, rose from the dead and the whole world was indeed changed, and this is because Jesus has promised to remain with us as our brother, our companion and our guide along the way.

Matthew tells us that Jesus has promised “I will be with you all days, even to the end of the age.” (Matthew 28: 20) The weary old world would never be the same again.

The Lord Jesus has given us three Easter gifts on that evening of the first day.

His first gift is the gift of Peace … “Peace be with you, my peace I give you.” In Hebrew “Shalom.”

“Shalom,” however, indicates more than just Peace, it means “God is with us.” Jesus invites us into “God’s presence,” and even more intimate to be in “communion with God.”

The gift of peace is, of course, the gift of Jesus … not a thing to be cherished but rather a person to be worshipped and loved … Jesus of Nazareth, the Messiah and the Holy One of God, who gives himself to you and to me, here and now and for all eternity.

This is our Resurrected Lord Jesus, “the Word of God made flesh and who dwells amongst us,” who is our Father’s gift of love to His children, you and I, who now are rightfully called “the children of God.”

After the gift of his Peace, the second gift of the Risen Lord is, of course, his love.

Jesus shows his disciples his hands and his side; he invites them to touch and feel the wounds from which he poured out his life’s blood.

He does this that we might know and understand how truly great is his love for us and how we must now share this love with each other in this way.

At the Last Supper, he takes the bread and wine, offered to the Father, saying “Take and eat, take and drink, for this is my body offered up and my blood poured out for you.”

It is his and our communion and also a reminder of our oneness as his friend and willingness to share in the terrible price Jesus will pay for the world’s redemption.

And so it is that Jesus offers his life as a living sacrifice, freely given for the healing and salvation of the whole world.  

He himself has said it: “Love one another as I have loved you. In this way all men and women will know that you are my disciples.”

Yes, he is our teacher and our guide through life, but first and foremost he teaches us how to live and to love.

Sometimes we misunderstand this gift. We think we must be perfect people, which we are not.

Jesus is not telling us that we must love one another; he is telling us that we must learn how to love one another.

And in the learning to expect that we, too, at times will fail.

And if and when that happens, take heart from the words of Mother Teresa to her Sisters. “There is only one failure in life and that is when you fall down, you stay down and refuse to get up again and continue your journey.”

But to love the way Jesus loves with his whole heart and soul is to discover with Jesus the joy of life itself.

The third and final gift that Jesus gives on this most sweet day is the gift of God’s forgiveness.

All is forgiven from a God who loves us, a God who wants only our joy and happiness, who aches for us, and weeps for us in times of sorrow that we might not weep alone.

And should we turn our backs and walk away from Him, He follows even closer so that He might catch us in our fall from grace and set our feet along the right path once again.

Love is the price demanded by His Son who hangs upon a cross, who gives his life out of love for us all, and looks up to his grieving Father from the hill top of Calvary and says those unforgettable words: “Father, forgive them, for they know not what they do.”

FAQ for Homily for 2nd Sunday of Easter, Year C

When is 2nd Sunday of Easter, Year C, in 2025?27th April 2025
What is the title of Father Hanly’s homily for Second Sunday of Easter, Year C?"The Gifts of the Risen Lord" and "The Three Gifts of the Risen Lord"
What is the next homily by Father Hanly in this Liturgical Cycle?
3rd Sunday of Easter, Year C
Who was Father Hanly?Father Denis J. Hanly was a Maryknoll Missionary
How can we find other homilies by Father Hanly?By Liturgical Calendar or by topic or by title

Information about Father Hanly’s homilies for 2nd Sunday of Easter, Year C

All Rights Reserved.
If you would like to use our transcripts of either of these sermons (updated 2024), please contact us for permission.

Father Hanly's sermon for 2nd Sunday of Easter, Year C, "The Gifts of the Risen Lord" was delivered on 11th April 2010. Father Hanly's sermon for 2nd Sunday of Easter, Year C, "The Three Gifts of the Risen Lord" was delivered on 7th April 2013. It is sometimes hard to accurately transcribe Father Hanly's reflections, so please let us know if you think we have made a mistake in any of our transcripts, and let us have your suggestions.

We hope that Father Hanly’s homilies, always kind, always wise, always full of love, will restore you to peace and harmony through a new understanding of what is important in this world. We believe these homilies are inspiring for everyone, not only for Roman Catholics or other Christians.

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One Comment Add yours

  1. Rev. Fr. Alfred Lee Walker says:

    Thanks, these homilies of yours could be a great help for my reflections. Thanks again

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